Jordan, Dead Sea

Soak in Dead Sea

MUSTDead seaFree floatingSalt beachesUnique landscapes

The Dead Sea is a remarkable natural wonder located between Jordan and Israel. It is famous for being the lowest point on Earth and its high salt concentration, which allows you to effortlessly float on its surface.

The Dead Sea is not only a unique geological phenomenon but also a popular destination for people seeking relaxation and wellness. The mineral-rich mud and water of the Dead Sea have therapeutic properties that can benefit the skin and overall health.

In addition to its recreational and wellness offerings, the Dead Sea is surrounded by various resorts, spas, and hotels that cater to visitors looking for a rejuvenating experience. Check out our curated stays section in the region for vetted beach-front hotel reccommendations.

The Dead Sea's mesmerizing landscape of shimmering blue waters and surrounding desert vistas creates a serene and surreal atmosphere. You can indulge in the therapeutic experience of floating effortlessly on the sea's buoyant waters while enjoying breathtaking views.