Your trip • 1 days


Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Caminos Del Titicaca in Titicaca region of Peru
Available for your dates

Caminos Del Titicaca

Available in one month •
Boutique hotel
Floating islands
Unique landscapes
Epic views

Nearby things to do

Uros Floating Islands

Unique and fascinating attraction located on Lake Titicaca. These artificial islands are made entirely of totora reeds, which grow abundantly in the lake. The Uros people, who are descendants of the ancient Uru civilization, have constructed and inhabited these floating islands for centuries.

Lake Titicaca

Majestic and culturally significant lake located in the Andes Mountains on the border of Peru and Bolivia. It is the largest lake in South America by volume and the highest navigable lake in the world, sitting at an elevation of over 12,500 feet above sea level.


Archaeological site famous for its impressive collection of funerary towers known as chullpas, which were built by the pre-Inca and Inca civilizations. These towers, made of stone, were used as burial chambers for important individuals and are characterized by their cylindrical shape and intricate construction.

Your trip dates

Apr 11 Apr 11

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