Patagonia, Torres del Paine

Base of the Towers

5.0Iconic hikesPart of W-trekIconic mountainsSunrise spotsPumas

Hiking up to the base of the Towers is the most iconic part of the W-trek with the most iconic view in Torres del Paine.

If you are doing it in your last day of W-trek (as we strongly recommend), you will start at Refugio Chileno and make your way up to the base (2-2.5h), and then all the way back down to Hotel Las Torres (another 4-5h) to the end of your epic W-trek adventure.

The alternative way of doing it (and quite popular if you don't want to stay overnight) is an out-and-back hike from Hotel Las Torres. It is a much more strenuous hike with 3,418 ft of elevation gain, but still doable in about 7 hours. But we don't recommend this option for the following reason:

Another thing we strongly recommend is to catch the sunrise touchinging the peaks of the towers – an absolutely magical moment. While we are usually on a comfy side of adventures, we made an exception, woke up in the middle of the night, and started hiking. Even though it was rough at times (hiking in complete darkness without flashlight, knowing that pumas are around), we never regretted our decision – sunrise over the Torres Del Paine instantly erased everything that led to that moment.