Patagonia destination image

Patagonia Majestic Land of The Big Feet

⛰️ Iconic mountains💎 Glaciers🐎 Steppe🧊 Glacial lakes🥾 Iconic hikes🚗 Scenic drives🦙 Llamas

Patagonia is quite remote, making most travelers think twice before going. But if you love hiking and unique landscapes, Patagonia will deliver one of the most thrilling adventures of your life, stunning you with its outworldly landscapes and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. And yes, it is totally worth the long flight.

Roman fyno curator photo
Curated by Roman

Getting around

Since many roads in Patagonia are unpaved and are often accompanied by strong winds, we recommend an SUV for a more comfortable ride. A regular compact car will do too.


The official language in Patagonia is Spanish, but most people in travel speak English well.


Patagonia is among the safest destinations in the world, but some of the hiking trails are pretty strenuous, so pick your activities wisely.